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What are the specific genes that predispose individuals to develop Tourette Syndrome and related developmental neuropsychiatric disorders, and how do they work together to cause disease?
How can we use susceptibility genes for TS and related disorders to identify the specific cell types, neural circuits and critical neurodevelopmental periods involved in disease pathogenesis?
How does tic severity change over time? What are the genetic, clinical and social factors that influence whether an individual's tics persist from childhood into adulthood?
If any of these questions spark your interest, consider joining the Scharf Lab! 


Scharf Lab

If you are an individual with Tourette Syndrome that is interested in participating in one of our recruiting research studies, click here to visit the “Current Studies” page on our website.

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Scharf Lab

The Scharf Lab always encourages enthusiastic individuals to reach out to us if they would like to contribute to our team in some way! We welcome inquiries from:

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